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Magyar nyelvű változat: Dagerrotip lemezméretek 

Sizes of the Daguerreotype plates:

In the practice many plates were cut to different sizes than the "standards". 1-2 mm difference is usually not significant.

There are some differents between the sizes of continental Europe and English countries. The European sizes origined from the 6x8 Parisian inch (=2.701 cm) size whole plate, while the English plates used English inches (=2.54 cm).

1 inch was a different size in different countries/ages (eg. Preus inch =2.615 cm, inch from Vienna = 2.634 cm). There are much more versions of largest and smallest sizes than existing in this table. These sizes was not "standardized" with a special name but an unique product of a  manufacturer.

The most often used sizes were the sixth and quarter plates. The Voigtländer-Petzval metal camera used circle plates (about 10 cm diameter -- usually 98 mm), the Steinheil (40 mm) and the Davidson camera also. 

Continental Europe:
(in mm)

English countries (in mm x 2.54)

English countries
(in inches)



330 x 432

13 x 17
15 x 17


270 x 320

280 x 330

11 x 13

extra (imperial)

305 x 406

12 x 16

double whole

216 x 330

8˝ x 13

162 x 216

165 x 215

165 x 216

6 1/2 x 8 1/2


l08 x 162

108 x 165

4 1/4 x 6 1/2


110 x 160

111 x 170

108 x 140

4 1/4 x 5 1/2

72 x 162

105 x 131

90 x 130

165 x 70

6 1/2 x 2 3/4


81 x 108

85 x 105

85 x 111

83 x 108

3 1/4 x 4 1/4


72 x 81

75 x 80

75 x 85

70 x 83

2 3/4 x3 1/4


54 x 81

55 x 80

53 x 83


54 x 72

55 x 70

52 x 66

51 x 64

2 x 2 1/2


144 x 162

stereo 4/6

81 x 144

stereo, half of 4/6

51x 63


40 x 53

25x 41

1 x 1 5/8
1.375 x 1.625


Continental Europe:
(in mm)

English countries (in mm)

English countries
(in inches)



Last changes: 20. 09. 2015.correction